Free PDF Editor: Libre Office Draw

Ankur Gupta
Ankur Gupta
Web developer by profession, Over 10 years experience of building websites and web applications. Currently working on Epaper CMS Cloud (Software As Service based product). Special interest in computer and technology. After writing on the blogger platform for years, started his own tech portal Antarjaal.In.

Yes! You can also edit PDF documents using through Libre Office. A vector graphics editor Draw comes with Libre Office Suite. We can use this software not only for creating vector graphics but also for editing PDF documents. Draw is a libre office pdf editor.

How to edit PDF documents with Libre Office Draw?

In order to edit PDF documents using Libre Office Draw, we have to navigate to File >> Open and select PDF file. If your PDF file is large in size, it may take a little time.

Once opened, different parts of the PDF document will appear in different text boxes. If you want to edit any of these then you can. Can add or remove any picture. In Libre Office Draw some times you may experience rendering problems. You may also see broken layout.

Once your editing is complete, then click File >> Export As >> Export As PDF. If you have mistakenly selected File >> Save, your file will be saved in the ODG format.

When you choose the option to export the file as a PDF, following dialog box will appear:

In PDF Options dialog box you get a lot of options for PDF export. Such as Watermark Sign, JPG Compression, Resolution etc. Select the options as per your requirements and click on the Export button.

After exporting the PDF, we recommend you to open and check it to ensure its layout is correct.

Libre Office Draw is not as powerful as Adobe’s Acrobat, but still you can do basic pdf editing. Libre office Draw is a Free PDF Editor. You can download it from the following link:

Download Libre Office Suite

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